TLEX - Learning from Leaders

TLEX - Learning from Leaders

Ep.8 - Playing your potential with Jan Åge Fjørtoft

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Having successfully transformed himself from his first career as a football player to being one of the best moderators we have, we invite you to tune-in with us. Jan will share his insights on being your best when it really matters and on how to keep rein

Ep.7 - When sports meets business

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Find out more from Alexander on how sports shaped his life, about his career as a spokesman for FIFA and now as a lecturer in sustainability, ethics and sports. Discover his views on the role of professional sports for business and society.

Ep.6 - Emotional Intelligence for hybrid organizations

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It has been known since a while that Emotional Intelligence is a better predictor of success than intelligence. In this session Christoph Glaser will be elaborating on why right now, as we move from intense pandemic phase to a new normal, EI is a crucial quality to create trust, personal well-being and high performing teams.

Ep. 5 - Transforming global organizations

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Christoph Glaser connects with Andrea Euenheim, an inspirational leader and the first female Executive Board Member in the history of METRO AG.
Find out more from Andrea on how she transforms organizations, her leadership journey and how she finds her inner balance to sail through all the roles she takes up.

Ep. 4 - Breath based mindfulness in the agile transformation

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We live in a world that moves at an incredible speed. Change will probably never be as slow as it is today.

It is widely believed that 40% of today's businesses will no longer exist in the next 10 years if they are unable to transform with the necessary speed and direction.

It is likely that another 50% of today's jobs will disappear. The world has become more volatile and complex.

In this podcast, Emma Seppälä, Torsten Dalhoefer and Christoph Glaser talk about what individuals and organizations need to not only be able to adapt in this world, but to actually take advantage of this opportunity.

Ep. 3 - Der Wandel im Sport

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Wie hat sich der Sport in dem Jahr 2020 verändert und wie wird er sich in Zukunft ändern? Sind aufgrund dieser Veränderungen neue Qualifikationen von Sportlern gefragt? Diese Themen und viele Insights werden in diesem Podcast diskutiert.

Ep. 2 - Coaching im Sport

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Als Coach haben Heinz Günthardt und Urs Siegenthaler einige Athleten begleitet. Was unterscheidet einen Top Athleten von einem Durchschnittsathleten und wie kann ich das Mindset eines Sportlers beeinflussen?

In der zweiten Episode teilen Heinz Günthardt (Wimbledonsieger, ehemaliger Coach von Steffi Graf, Teamchef Schweizer Fed-Cup-Mannschaft), Urs Siegenthaler (Chefscout der Deutschen Nationalmannschaft, früher FCB-Coach) und Christoph Glaser (CEO TLEX) weitere persönliche Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Insights rund um das Thema Mindset und der Wandel im Sport.

Ep. 1 - Die Bedeutung vom Mindset im Sport

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Was erlebten Roger Federer und Heinz Günthardt bei ihrem Matchball in Wimbledon? Wie geht die Deutsche Nationalmannschaft mit dem Druck vor einem Weltmeisterschaftsfinale um?
In dieser Folge plaudern Heinz Günthardt (Wimbledonsieger, ehemaliger Coach von Steffi Graf, Teamchef Schweizer Fed-Cup-Mannschaft), Urs Siegenthaler (Chefscout der Deutschen Nationalmannschaft, früher FCB-Coach) und Christoph Glaser (CEO TLEX) aus dem Nähkästchen und teilen ihre Erfolgsrezepte, Herausforderungen und Insights.

About this podcast

Welcome to the TLEX Podcast. Listen to conversations with experts on a variety of topics related to leadership and the importance of mindset and culture.

The TLEX podcast features leaders from sport, business, and academia who share their personal success, challenges, and learnings.

Stay tuned and be inspired.

by Christoph Glaser


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