TLEX - Learning from Leaders

TLEX - Learning from Leaders

Ep. 14 - Shaping the Corporate Messi: Agile Leadership in a Turbulent World

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In this episode of "Learning from Leaders," Christoph Glaser engages in a captivating conversation with Pablo Ciano, the visionary CEO of DHL eCommerce. As Pablo Ciano shares his personal journey, he also reveals how the power of a growth-oriented mindset and unwavering commitment have propelled him to the pinnacle of success. In addition to the key success factors of continuous growth orientation, unwavering passion, resilience, and determination to overcome setbacks, they also delve into topics such as mindfulness, deliberate breaks, and mental well-being. Furthermore, gain insights into Pablo's unique perspective on leadership, drawing inspiration from the legendary Lionel Messi himself.


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About this podcast

Welcome to the TLEX Podcast. Listen to conversations with experts on a variety of topics related to leadership and the importance of mindset and culture.

The TLEX podcast features leaders from sport, business, and academia who share their personal success, challenges, and learnings.

Stay tuned and be inspired.

by Christoph Glaser


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