TLEX - Learning from Leaders

TLEX - Learning from Leaders

Ep. 4 - Breath based mindfulness in the agile transformation

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We live in a world that moves at an incredible speed. Change will probably never be as slow as it is today.

It's widely believed that 40% of today's businesses will no longer exist in the next 10 years if they are unable to transform with the necessary speed and direction. It is likely that another 50% of today's jobs will disappear. The world has become more volatile and complex than ever.

In this podcast, Emma Seppälä, Torsten Dalhoefer and Christoph Glaser talk about what individuals and organizations need to not only be able to adapt in this world, but to actually take advantage of this opportunity.

If you want to become more resilient yourself, check out our website & start your journey with us.


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About this podcast

Welcome to the TLEX Podcast. Listen to conversations with experts on a variety of topics related to leadership and the importance of mindset and culture.

The TLEX podcast features leaders from sport, business, and academia who share their personal success, challenges, and learnings.

Stay tuned and be inspired.

by Christoph Glaser


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